Jocelyn speaks at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology meeting

Jocelyn attended the 2018 meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) in Hollywood, Florida. She spoke in a panel on ventral pallidal roles in reward, decision-making and addiction entitled, “Should I Stay or Should I go to the Ventral Pallidum”. The session was chaired by Peter Kalivas and included fascinating talks from Drs. Meaghan Creed, Steve Mahler and Jasper Heinsbroek. Jocelyn spoke about ventral pallidal encoding of cue value and how alcohol exposure and associative learning with alcohol alters ventral pallidal responses to distinct types of cues (discriminative stimuli versus conditioned stimuli). The panel was a great reminder of all the exciting research happening on the ventral pallidum right now. But we really are just beginning - there remain many important questions about how this heterogeneous structure regulates diverse reward-related functions!

Jocelyn Richard